After using the free bet, a betting platform may hedge outcomes to retain the free stake regardless of the outcome. Matched betting includes placing an opposing bet at another business to avoid losing, irrespective of what occurs.
Placing bets at multiple bookies will help the bettor avoid commission charges by offsetting losses with wins at the other bookie's establishment. Online betting sites allow bettors to wager with the person betting acting as the odds-maker.
It's a relatively straightforward process. Matched betting involves both back and lay bets.
Back bet
Betting on a particular outcome is a back bet. If a bettor wagers on a specific team to win, it's called a back bet. After betting on the correct winner, the person wins. If the team loses, the person loses the money staked on the bet.
Lay bet
Betting against an outcome is called a lay bet. For instance, betting that a team loses is a lay wager. If the team loses, the bettor wins on a lay bet. Using free bets to cancel risk by betting against an initial wager at comparable odds means a gambler is matching his bet. When using the free bet to match the bet, the gambler makes a profit with no risk.
There are different types of matched bets, including manual and assisted. With assisted betting, the website provides comparison tables to help the bettor decide the best options for wagering. These auto matchers may improve a bettor's odds of winning.
In recent times, some online subscription services offer instructions or software which helps bettors to choose winners based on the mathematical data analysis of betting odds.
However, with matched betting, the gambler is going to win regardless of the outcome because he is placing wagers on both results. Whether a team wins or loses, the gambler has bet on both outcomes. These common matched betting strategies allow seasoned gamblers to avoid losses by wagering at multiple bookie sites online.